Rav Shalom Kamenetzky שליט"א, Moreh Derech
The Cheder and Bais Yaakov are privileged to receive regular guidance from Rav Sholom Kamenetsky shlit"a, our Moreh Derech. Rav Sholom Kamenetsky serves as a Rosh Yeshiva in the Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia, and is consulted by Rabbonim and Mechanchim around the country. The Rosh Yeshiva's daas Torah, practical advice and warm chizuk are the guiding light for our programs and guidelines.
Rabbi Yosef Seldowitz, Menahel
Rabbi Seldowitz's educational expertise is matched only by his warmth and devotion to our students. Having learned extensively in kollel and in Yeshivas Mir (Brooklyn), he also completed a Master's degree in Education and comprehensive training in kriya & kesiva instruction and remediation. Rabbi Seldowitz passionately invests himself in promoting a professional and genuine school culture where both staff and students alike enjoy a positive environment that encourages personal growth. Serving as our Menahel since 2018, the school has significantly expanded its student body, campus size and educational services under his leadership. Rabbi Seldowitz currently oversees all educational departments in the Cheder/Bais Yaakov while simultaneously serving as the hands on Limudei Kodesh Menahel for the boys. Prior to his position as Menahel, he was a beloved 5th grade Rebbe.
Mrs. Rivkie Teitz , Bais Yaakov Menaheles
Our dynamic Menaheles, Mrs. Rivkie Teitz brings over twenty years of expertise in chinuch habanos to our Bais Yaakov. Exuding warmth, simchas hachaim and endless patience, BYC continues to flourish under her devoted and nurturing leadership. Constantly sought out by talmidos, Morahs and parents for her positivity and wisdom, "Morah Teitz" serves as an approachable model for all to aspire to. Mrs. Teitz currently supervises all educational aspects of the Bais Yaakov while simultaneously serving as the Limudei Kodesh Menaheles.
Mrs. Basya Malka Levit, Early Childhood Director
Always excited to share her passion for early childhood education and development, "Morah Basya Malka" lovingly devotes herself to each young child every day. Through her clarity and warmth, children feel comfortable and safe in their child-friendly classrooms where no detail is trivial. Passionate about building self-esteem and bringing yiddishkeit alive, our Early Childhood Department continues to grow and develop under her care. Mrs. Levit has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and over two decades of successful early childhood classroom experience. Mrs. Levit has been serving as Early Childhood Director since 2016.
Rabbi Yitzchak Kagan, Administrator
Rabbi Kagan has been our faithful and dedicated administrator since 2011, previously working in educational administration in Eretz Yisroel. A Monsey native, he went on to learn in Yeshivas Bais Yisroel, Yeshivas Mir and under Rav Yitzchak Berkowitz. He expertly coordinates our operations, our finances and is a tremendous asset to our daily activities.